17 April 2016

Consumer motivation in mobile game

The successful growth and huge revenue in the mobile game market, make more people interested and joined this new industry. The new mobile game Clash Royale was released in 2016, which produced by famous mobile publisher Supercell. Latest news shows, this game on pace for $1B year after $110M debut last month.

(From venturebeat.com)

It has to say, lots of Chines mobile publishers know about the great potential of the Chinese mobile game market, but they still cannot prevent players pay a foreign company. The problem is, why Supercell can motivate consumers to pay for the mobile game?

First, Clash Royale is a free mobile game, which is similar to many other mobile games, is free to play. However, the gem as currency in the game needs to purchase. Players use their gems to get cards or upgrade, the higher level cards help players to get higher ratings. The high rating as the condition to allow players to get new cards. Furthermore, for free player they can prevail others to get boxes and take the time or use gem to open it. In simple words, Supercell create two main demands to their consumers, collect cards and player competition.  These two demands are related, players need to collect cards to win the competition, or win the competition to get cards. Players must encounter other  powerful players, and may be ridiculed by internal expression. This means players will face bottlenecks, choose to play in the hard way or pay for relaxing.

People playing a game for relax, but it is quite strange that they face the trouble and may need to pay to deal with it. Even the reason is game publishers making other players to create this uncomfortable situation and they compete each other by themselves.

However, all the things said before  were based on one condition. Which is the players already have the demand of this mobile game. Then they are willing to meet the internals need. This may due to the huge promotion and the intellectual property or the background setting from Clash of Clans, which is another famous mobile game published by Supercell. Also, Supercell provide "Facebook link", which means players can invite and challenge their Facebook friends. The competition between friends and social media influence also becomes one factor to attract more players.

In fact, there are lots of mobile games already using "collection" and "competition" these two factors to make money in China. Even some players think about the mobile games as"you should not play unless to pay, although this is a free game". The atmosphere of mobile games market becomes worse due to publishers eager creating internal demands to make money, even some games without IP licensing, and disappeared after have gotten money.

It is understandable to create demand for consumers' motivation, also "collection" and "competition" can be the game theory which using the marketing. But how long will those players keep opposing and pay for the game? Or the publishers do not care because they can use the money they earned to develop a new mobile game infinite loop.

How about developing a soccer mobile game?  “Manage football players" corresponds "collection", and " football game" corresponds "competition".


Jeff, G. (2016) - Supercell’s Clash Royale on pace for $1B year after $110M debut last month. From: http://venturebeat.com/2016/04/14/supercells-clash-royale-on-pace-for-1b-year-after-110m-debut-last-month/

Solomon, Michael R. (2015) - Consumer behavior: buying, having, and being (11th ed)

Vespoli, Eve M. and Forbes, Lukas P. - Does social media influence consumer buying behavior?: an investigation of recommendations and purchases in Journal of business & economics research (2013)

Wrong adverts example of Match.com?

"Match.com" is one famous match dating website in the UK, not only the name is suitable for their business, also the effect seems like quite good. However, here is a bad news about their advertisement recently.

One slogan is "If you don't like your imperfections, someone else will." which on the poster was displayed at underground stations in London. Although this slogan is not malicious itself, but it seems like implying freckle and red hair as 'imperfection' with the poster photo. Also, the red hair was showed may link to freckle potentially.

This adverting cause commuter complaints, and many twitter users send twitter showing discontent Match.com

Twitter user uses irony to ex express his dissatisfaction.

Actor Charlie Clemmow raised objection to the advertisement.

Although Match.com apologize on Twitter, and remove postersbut it is not the first time that sparked controversy due to their advertisement.

The hashtag included: "Love your imperfections" is not wrong too, but the situation: never has his Travelcard ready" is not likable totally. Which means in this situation will influence the people who are in the queue. Moreover, this poster was in the underground station and was easy to recognize.

And, this one, really?

When a company designs their marketing orientation or promotion need to consider about self concept of their consumers. Especially one famous match dating website, their consumers may more focus these parts. Someone may understand these advertisements from the view of Match.com, which the company wants their consumers or potential targets become more confident to use their servers. However, they did not realize they have no right to evaluate some part of others is defective, even no malice hurt others.

As said before, the users of these matching dating website are more sensitive to their self concept. A good company, does not to waste their qualification or resources. The problem of these posters not limited to, their slogan or graph, more about the wrong way of considering their consumers' self concepts, or not sensitive from the view of consumers.

In fact, After Match.com faced barrage of criticism, who can say this website was not famous? Which was promoted in a negative way.

ITV (2016)  Match.com apologies for ads that label freckles as 'imperfections' after commuter complaints. Available from: http://www.itv.com/news/2016-04-12/match-com-apologises-for-ads-that-label-freckles-as-imperfections-after-commuter-complaints/ 

Schmitt, B. (1999).  Experiential Marketing in Journal of Marketing Management

Tom, W. (2016) Fury at online dating site advert that said freckles and red hair were 'imperfections': Match.com forced to apologise after barrage of criticism. Available from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3536975/Fury-online-dating-site-advert-said-freckles-red-hair-imperfections-Match-com-forced-apologise-barrage-criticism.html

19 March 2016

The experience of Live event

The event management students have assignment to hold an event to raise money for charity. Also, they have opportunities to attend events held by other students. This blog will discuss the experience of live events, and there will be two points of view of the live event's experiences, the experience from a consumer view and the other from event manager.

"Brain Crash" was the first event held during the event week, and also set up the promotion stall one week before the event holding. Although the event poster can not describe all the activities of the event, even for UK students do not know what "Huarong Game" is. The promotion stall creates a change to attract potential consumers know about the event and the activities. I had the chance to play "Huarong Game" in the limited time. Also for people understanding know about this Chinese puzzle, which was a good opportunity to know about the foreign culture, and try playing the game before the event heading. The good pre-event promotion help consumers creating good experience and expectance for live events. But, as one attendee of this event, it still has some miss with the explanation of slogan "who is the most intelligent person in HUD".

In fact, there were two competitions in the events which are Rubik's Cube and Sudoku.  That means to win one of these two competitions will correspond with the slogan.  However, from the point of self concept, if someone does not keen on or know about these puzzle games before, which lead to lose in the competition, does it mean he or she not intelligent? The companies or organisations can use such competitive concept to attract more attendees, but still need to consider about the influence on people potentially.

The other one is managing event experience. The real example about fully use the flyer, which means adding extra information at the back of the flyer. For the common flyers it usually that keeps blank on the back side, even include "Brain Crash"'s one.  To avoid the waste and create and extra use, the member of "Health and Wellbeing Event" team using a kind of "week plan", which also follow the event theme. 

As one stuff which are responsible for sending flyers, I use the extra function on the back side as a good reason to let others take and keep those flyers. Also, it had created the topicality by itself, which were helping the whole event promotions.

Above all, those experiences though the event heading really helped for understanding experiential marketing theory. Whether as an event organizer or an event attendee, the more understanding of marketing could mean more control marketing, or just make more money.

Smilansky, Shaz (2009) - Experiential marketing: a practical guide to interactive brand experiences (1st ed)

23 January 2016

Chinese clue in Christmas special of Sherlock

The BBC show, Sherlock is popular in China, which can be shown by numbers of  98 million fans in China. Chinese fans use "Curly Fu" due to the Holmes' curls, which pronunciation starting by "Fu" in mandarin. The good news for the Chinese fans is the Christmas special will released as a film in China. Moreover, it will include one of the clues in Chinese. Is it kind of considered Chinese culture, and determine market trends to attract more fans in China?

As one of 98 million fans in China, I have the opportunity to watch the new episode on TV in UK this new year. However, I have to say the Sherlock team may need to pay more attention to how to attract fans in foreign countries.

There are several shortcoming from my opinion.For the whole story, this episode of Sherlock was a continuation of the last episode, which means it is not friendly for the audiences who were the first time to see Sherlock (In fact, it was the first time that Sherlock released in cinemas) As a firm, I think it should be measured by the standard of the movie, although it was deemed as drama in the UK and only sell to Chinese fans. Second one, the story interspersed in imagination and reality, writers may want to use this way to show the culture of the Victorian era, which also is a selling point. But it still takes audiences time to accept this performance method and understand the plot in cinemas. Caused the discussion with Chinese fans that the narrative technique of Sherlock movie was too complex to understand in the first time.

Another problem is related to the Chinese clues. This clue was linked to the main theme of this Sherlock, which was women's struggle for gender discrimination. These Chinese "马蹄内翻足" is meant clubfoot, and it is one situation of gender discrimination to let women bounds their feet in ancient China. However, "马蹄内翻足" or "clubfoot" is one disease name which is too professional and no one heard before. The Chinese may use "裹小脚" or "bound feet" to describe this situation, or link to gender discrimination in ancient China. The opinions from Chinese fans were polarized.  One part of fans think it is close to the Chinese fans to use clues in Chinese. On the opposite, some fans think the Sherlock teams only use Google translate from English to Chinese and do not spend time on Chinese culture.

In my opinion, it is the great experience to use foreign culture to enter the foreign market, which may attract more foreign consumer due to the understanding and friendly image. But, the Sherlock movie was not a perfect example of using this theory, because Sherlock have already attracted fans by its own intellectual property, include character, music, story even British culture. Sherlock movie used Chinese culture, but it is not  entirely correct. The misuse of foreign culture may lead to misunderstanding. Which means, although the starting point is good, but the misuse to gild the lily.

27 December 2015

Is someone looking for an advertising?

Advertisements are one main way of business promotion. However, people will try to ignore advertisements due to big letter banners or mass information make people sick. Sometimes people have to take selfies with billboard as landmarks such as Piccadilly Circus in London. But some advertisements have a topic of conversation and people may wait for them in a special period. For example, John Lewis Christmas advertisement.

In fact, I heard John Lewis's advertisement before I know about John Lewis itself. And the advertisement each year is quite famous and I looked up last year's one and waiting for this year's release. People know that these are creative, and John Lewis pays near one million pounds for these advertisements. People do not only focus on the products in the advertisement, they are looking forward the advertisement itself! What kind of story will tell us? What is the background music? Not only the shopping atmosphere of Christmas stimulates purchasing power, also the expectance of the new story becomes one part of consumer habit, even let foreigners watch the new episode advertisement: A warm and full of love story with telescopes. However, although telescopes are the main and the most conspicuous product in this advertisement, it still promotes other products of John Lewis, did you see that?

Also, I collect some other Christmas advertisement this year.

Apple, a famous song "Someday at Christmas". And this advertisement shows the theme against war, poverty, inequality and hunger. Although one glance includes Apple's product Macbooks, Apple want to focus the festive atmosphere not the product itself.

Coca-Cola, this advertisement  is about the recording of their experiential marketing, which let their consumers join the process of sharing, also is the theme of this advertisement. Coca-Cola is a company focused one consumer experience which has said in the last blog. Also extend this marketing plan on their advertising successfully. 

Sainsbury's, a fun and cute story with a cat: Mog. Which was attracted cat lovers. This advertising shows the main theme "sharing".

Tesco, every little help for Christmas? Interesting.

Waitrose, a subsidiary of John Lewis but different theme of Christmas advertisement. Which is the food and Christmas.

Mark & Spencers, which show the fashion factor in their Christmas advertisement.

Harrods, their advertisement is kind of animation, and the protagonist is their mouses.

For the conclusion, people can see the sincerity and creativity from those Christmas advertising. The companies try to use the opportunity of the Christmas advertising match to improve their market or promote their business.

13 December 2015

Coca-Cola Truck? An amazing experiential marketing

I still can remember that when I first arrived UK at Manchester Airport, I have bought one bottle of Coca-Cola, which is about four times the price in China. However, drinking Cola has become a habit in  my daily life, and seems like not easy to change although drinking alcohol is more popular here. However, I still find four cans of Cola in one pound shop, which means the price is close to the can of pop in China. 

Anyway, it is not the only thing which about  Coca-Cola  shocks me in the UK. Some said Santa Claus was green until Coca-Cola Change it to red. That made me think Coca-Cola not only pay for promotion such as Coca-Cola, London-eye, which is one famous landmark in London. This brand has infiltrated into the festive successfully such as Chirstmas.  One interesting news is Coca-Cola truck has been Huddersfiled on 9th Decemenber, 2015. The same red theme which has links to the most important festival Chirstmas, and people who has joined this event can share their experiences with their friends such as selfies. On the other hand, the experiences of Coca-Cola's consumers also becomes, to one extra value of their promotion. Which means they pay for the track event as a promotion, let more people notice the Coca-Cola and Chirstmas, after that the attendees share their experiences which include Coca-Cola this brand as extra promotion for Coca-Cola company, and it is FREE!

This event shows an idea about to attract potential consumers, and provide a chance to improve their experience to advertise, even they did not realize that. Also, to cultivate habits of consumers is one important part in the marketing, such as the Chinese student pay four time prices for drink as usual.